Welcome to Napa Lodge #2043! I am honored to serve a second term as the 2025-2026 president. I am committed to continue upholding the values of our order, which include promoting Italian culture, upholding Italian heritage, and helping each other succeed. I pledge to continue to create a safe and welcoming environment for all our members. I will strive to build meaningful connections with members and supporters to ensure they are able to actively participate. Together, we can make our lodge stronger and more vibrant. [Also pictured: Remmy (left), Bentley (lower right)]
At OSDIA Napa Lodge #2043, our mission is to promote Italian-American culture and heritage. We strive to foster a sense of community through various events and activities that celebrate our rich history.
We meet monthly around a seated dinner format, on the second Monday of the month. We break bread, share drinks, laugh, learn, win stuff, and hold a brief meeting. Dinner is prepared by professional chef David Thater and is devoured in the early evening. Click/tap here to see photos of our membership meetings.
We are people with diverse backgrounds, histories, stories, and interests who are happy to connect with new friends. Come help build community around the richness of Italian heritage.